Friday, December 20, 2013

Hector's First Tramp: Woolshed Creek

Hector and Stephen at the start of the day. It was still cool and the morning walk through the Beech forest was thickly scented by the honeydew sparkling on many of the tree trunks.
The first three kilometres of the trail follows the old track of a railway spur line to a series of small coal mines operated off and on through the first two thirds of the 20th century. Most of these were small hand operations, the evidence on the ground suggested back breaking work.
We then climbed out of the valley, behind us to the east the Canterbury plain sloped gently away to the Pacific Ocean. Ahead the high bluffs overlooking the creek.
Andrew at a style where we passed into the Woolshed Creek protected area. Some stiff climbing ahead us up the ridge.
But from the top we can look west into the Southern Alps.
Erin, Stephen and Andrew drop down from the height of land to the source of Woolshed Creek. The hut, a recent replacement of a colourful old tin and timber one, was empty, the advantage of mid-week tramping.
The Puzzle at the Woolshed Creek hut - A plastic bag with puzzle bits and the remains of the top of the box. Inscribed on the reverse was the story of a puzzling competition.
"Donated to Woolshed Ck by Oxford School - Hut Record - 63 minutes  - dreaming!"
"Hut Record - 8 1/2 hrs ARANUI"
 "27/08/09 - 2 hrs 30 minutes by candlelight. 3 pieces missing and 2 halves missing"
"19/01/2011 Missing 8 pieces + 4 half pieces (includes 5 edge pieces)"
"27/11/13 - 23 1/2 pieces missing!! GOOD LUCK"
"180 Dream Team 3 minutes 12 seconds 478 pieces missing."



Hector enjoyed the swimming facilities at the Hut. Alas he was the only one to get a hot bath.
Family Fun. Stephen and Erin frolic while Hector enjoys the silliness brought on by fresh air.

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